Make your warehouse efficient and smart with RFID

Autentico CHAIN is the hardware and software platform which transforms a traditional warehouse into a RFID warehouse that is always connected. Introducing RFID into your production chain is a simple process when you do so with Autentico. Our technicians, specialised in intensive production chains, identify the right operating mode and area for the installation of the RFID machines, customising them according to the requirements.

They create an effective and efficient solution offering protection from production to the sale on the shelf

The Autentico CHAIN RFID machines are interconnected IoT devices that increase productivity by automating the data collection and transmission phases.

By introducing RFID machines into the production chain, the Autentico CHAIN system makes it possible to fully track the supply chain: from production to logistics, from distribution to sales.

The Autentico CHAIN platform qualifies for Industry 4.0 subsidies

  • Autentico CHAIN extends the functionality of Autentico NFC The Autentico CHAIN platform, created by combining the features of Autentico NFC and introducing RFID machines into the production line, is suitable for manufacturers who need to control production runs of from tens of thousands to millions of pieces.
  • Autentico CHAIN includes and extends the functionality of the Autentico NFC anti-counterfeiting platform. The CHAIN solution optimises internal inventory and picking management processes, enables distribution control and product protection.
  • RFID machinery interconnected with the management software: by applying NFC tags to the products in transit on the production line, data can be automatically acquired using one of Autentico CHAIN’s machines. The system detects and records NFC and production tag data, making them available in real time to the manufacturer.
  • The platform structured in this way allows the user to receive updates regarding production, inventory and stock in real time. Each tagged element of the production will be easily identifiable both within the company and when it is distributed in the markets.
  • It makes your production smart and optimise the processes: in addition to resulting in flawless production management, the introduction of automated RFID machines also optimises the order fulfilment phase.
  • For the management and optimisation of the picking phase, a UHF HF Tablet is provided. The RFID device, equipped with the Autentico EVO order fulfilment programme, is interconnected with the company’s management system, receives orders and communicates their fulfilment in real time. The fulfilment program is highly advanced and is able to recognise pallets, boxes and individual products.
  • Autentico EVO can also pick products fresh off the line and untagged products.

The introduction of RFID technology in the supply chain opens the door to applications and functionalities that would previously have been unimaginable

Those who decide to rely on Autentico will be provided with a Preliminary Technical Design containing the necessary machinery, the most suitable type of RFID tag to be used depending on the production line and products, the cost and time schedule and a forecast study on expected performance.

Autentico’s professionals design automated RFID machines with dedicated management software that supports its interconnection with the manufacturer’s management system. By automating and optimising the data collection and transmission phase, inefficiencies and human errors are greatly reduced, on several levels.

Autentico NFC

Italy has always been a guarantee of products of excellence, in all sectors. From agribusiness to haute couture, over centuries of history, Italian manufacturers have been able to build excellences that are envied by the rest of the world.

However, according to estimates by OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Italy tops the world ranking of the countries most exposed to the phenomenon of counterfeiting: an economic loss of EUR 30 billion, the equivalent of 3.6% of the total sales in the manufacturing sector.

Indeed, the higher the quality of a product, the greater the chance that counterfeiting and the grey market will find fertile ground in it for illicit gain.

The growing need for manufacturers to cope with the grey market and to distinguish their products from the increasingly elaborate imitations has prompted Autentico to develop software and hardware solutions in the field of RFID and NFC technologies.

The result of the research and development activities carried out has led to the creation of the Autentico NFC platform, which guarantees not only product and brand protection, but also the monitoring of distribution channels, even allowing the geolocation of products.

The right NFC Tag for your product

The first step in introducing Autentico NFC in your company is to identify the NFC tag best suited to your needs Autentico provides comprehensive support for the manufacturer, guiding him in his choice of tag type, location and application method.

Once the electronic tags have been identified and applied the products you are interested in, the NFC tag will ‘talk’ to the consumer.

Much more than an NFC tag

Applying the NFC tag to your product is not enough to guarantee anti-counterfeiting and distribution control functionality. Indeed, to achieve such a result, the NFC tag must be supported with a system that enhances its functionality.

Autentico NFC is a platform characterised by a set of Services, Software and Apps that makes the NFC Tag ‘smart’.

In fact, the platform provides the NFC Tag encoding service with Autentico’s proprietary algorithm. Coding the Tag creates a unique association between it and the product to which it is applied, giving it a unique ‘identity card’ that is also different from that of the other products in the same batch. The cryptographic system of Autentico NFC also makes the cryptographic code in the memory non-cloneable.

The smartphone app that communicates with the customer

The customised App, provided by Autentico, will allow the consumer to receive the authenticity information about the product and anything else you want him or her to know, simply by moving an IOS or Android Smartphone close to it.

The system even works without an internet connection; in this respect, the platform becomes more efficient than the blockchain itself, whose verification requires an internet connection.

It monitors products with the reserved web area

Through the geographic location of the product, it is possible to verify the congruence of the reading position with that of the sales market in which the product was distributed. Finding the product out of the area could signal a case of parallel market or unauthorised distribution.

With Autentico NFC, you have an infallible weapon at your disposal to counter the counterfeiting and grey market phenomena that are damaging your business, and with the app’s exclusive services, you have free access to countless customer loyalty and revenue development features.